Friday, July 12, 2013

Two Weeks in Indy: Part 2

Nick's response to Part 1: "I thought you were going to gloss over the big fight...way to just air out your dirty laundry."
Here is the definitely changed the dynamic of the trip, so it is hard to just gloss over. BUT, we did get to spend way more time with these awesome kiddos...huge positive of said fight.
I schlepped my boys and what seemed like hundreds of pounds of luggage back to my Mom's empty house (thanks Mom!) and we spent the next few days being tourists in my old home town.Carmel has grown up immensely since I have lived there and it was so fun to explore. Although, driving through all the roundabouts did riddle me with anxiety!
We went back to Woodland Springs to visit my high school bestie Dana and her parents.
Side Note: She lives in Columbus and just built the most gorgeous dream house on the planet...she also hosted me when I was there for Anne's wedding. The amount of white in her house is insane (white is my favorite decorating color, too!) and totally brave for the fact that she has a 3 year old boy and a newbie set of girls.
I took the boys running on the Monon Trail, and got five beautiful miles in before heading over to the Fourth of July Parade and spent the morning with my Aunt Sandi and a plethora of local cousins.
We went back up to my Dad's for a BBQ on the fourth. Mack loved my they kinda look alike?
All it all, it was a nice trip. Charlie and Mack had so much fun and that matters so much more than the drama the adult Watts' create. It was also a nice reminder of why I made the decision to go away to college and stay away. I absolutely LOVE my family, but we just do better thousands of miles apart.

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