Saturday, September 21, 2013

Cruizin' Part 1

...not to be confused with cruisin, because we are no closer to walking then we were when that was posted.

But because of this stupid fire, my normally structured life has been thrown for a bit of a tailspin. And while, in a perfect world, I would wake up with a monthly/weekly/daily itinerary on my bed side table, this (STUPID!) fire is requiring a little spontaneity. I'm not gonna lie, it's been fun.

We escaped to Petaluma two weekends ago. Last week, with school cancelled, we went to Santa Cruz/Aptos for a few days and this weekend we returned to coast in Santa Cruz to go camping.

I have the greatest cousins in Aptos, who always open their home to us. Aaron and Kim, have two boys, Eli and Luke. They are incredibly sweet, athletic, rugged and easy going...and Charlie could not get enough of them. He thought they were the greatest! We went to the beach, picked them up from school, rode bikes on a local pump track, hung out at their home and made a little trip the ER...
This was during a mean game of water tag and the older boys let Charlie tag along, they even would stop and check on him when he would wipe out in a mud slick...pretty awesome, right?
It was so much fun, and we'll definitely be back. Thanks for hosting us, Bierman's!

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