Friday, July 11, 2014

the state of the Waelty

Making: roasted beets. Beets uses to make me gag, now I can't get enough. And they are so easy to make, who knew?
Tossing: mozzarella, avocado and tomato salad. three out of four Waelty's are a fan!
Drinking: this before five and this after five
Reading: summer trash! We Were Liars and What Alice Forgot
Exercising: i've started doing cross fit and i've formed a love/hate. It is never enough to do just a cross fit workout because they take like 15 minutes. BUT the competitiveness I feel when I enter "the box" really brings me back and I kinda love it.
Running: a trail half marathon with my sister
Going: no where, summer staycation for the win.
Watching: Nick is obsessed with Homeland, he just starting the second season and I'm loving The Bachelorette on Hulu.
Wanting: new plates! What is the lifespan of dinnerware? Ours are only five years old but I'm sick of looking at them. I want these...
Playing: sorry! and chutes and ladders for days...
Wishing: for Buffett tickets in Paris. But Vegas would do.
Loving: bedtime. It is such a welcome relief to crawl into bed each night with my book and not stress over work the next day.
Wearing: lulu and swimsuits all day, every day.
Hoping: that summer slooooows down, just a bit.
Following: or NOT following the World Cup. Snore.
Noticing: this kid and his fits.
Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend!

1 comment:

jessica said...

I love Mack! :)