Wednesday, August 18, 2010

11 Week Update

I feel like Charlie has grown up so much in the last 3 weeks. Even my mom and Jenni noted the difference just in the time we were in Indiana. He has become so much more independent, playing on his mat or chair for 30-40 minutes. He is grabbing things in his hands and starting to really smile and look at me at the same time!

We went for his 2 month appointment yesterday (3 weeks late) and he weighed a whopping 12 lbs 11 ounces and was 24.5 inches tall. He also received those dreaded 2 month shots and cried (red faced) like crazy. My heart broke a little. He had no idea what pain felt like until that moment.
As for his reflux, we are going to try Zantac. I was hesitant about putting him on a prescription med but his throwing up is pretty excessive. I am hoping this will just make him a more happy baby and I won't have to change my clothes so many times in a day.

Our most exciting news to date is that the boy is finally sleeping through the night. Over the last week, we have gotten between 8-10 hours out of him. I know, I shouldn't get ahead of myself because he may regress a bit (at least that is what everyone tells me) but I am a whole new woman with all this sleep! And it was just in time for me to go back to work. I am only working a few hours a day but this is extremely hard. Just today, I've checked on him 3 times. He gives me that look, you know, the "mom, I'm fine!" look. Oh so sad.

This weekend, I am having him "cry out" his naps. As much as I love holding him for hours on end, I need to have him nap in his crib. I know it is going to be hard, but it will be what is best for him and our family in the long run. And while I know that everyone has different feelings on the subject, I would like to share our experience and keep the blog updated on his progress.

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