Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Vacation Part 2: Crested Butte

Jenni and I had originally planned to meet at the Denver Airport but with me being in Indy we got to travel together. She was traveling kid-less, leaving her kids with the in-laws for the first time... And for what began as the trip from hell, ended with the beautiful wedding that Jeb and Sam shared with us.
We arrived in Denver a tad late, which normally wouldn't matter but we had a four hour drive ahead of us and we really wanted to get on the road to meet our husbands and the rest of the family in Crested Butte. We also had to meet the babysitter at the rental car place so we were definitely rushing.
We got on the road pretty fast, and despite our hood coming loose ad several shifting problems the car was getting us there. Charlie, again, was a total champ. He took his bottle, played for about and hour and drifted off for the rest of the car ride. But we, like I said before, were in total hell.
And this babysitter may have been the worst part! She was a twentysomething, new college grad with more stories and drama to fill the endless hours including every wrong turn we took along the way. I blame all our wrong turns on her a)because she was riding shotgun b) because she kept saying "when we get to Vail." Well guess what? We don't drive through Vail!!! And these roads were straight out of horror movie, in the dark rocky mountains. It was only a matter of time before our car died on us and some good samaritan killed us all (our car didn't die and neither did we).
Oh yeah, and it Leadville...we got a speeding ticket from officer Rameriz and he didn't even give us a chance to explain ourselves!!!
6.5 hours later we drove into Crested Butte and began the celebration that was Jeb and Sam's wedding. The ceremony was absolutely beautiful and the bride and groom were radiant throughout the whole thing. The backdrop included an awesome display of nature, something that is really a metaphor for this couple. Congrats Jeb & Sam, thanks for letting us share your day!

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