Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Charlie: 4 Months

4 Month Stats...
Weight: 13 Lbs 15 oz.
Height: 26.25 inches

You are already 4 months old and while the first few months were a great learning experience, I don't miss them at all. Things are so much better these days. You are rolling all over the place, babbling to us, and giggling at everything from your purple elephant to the ceiling fan.

As you become more mobile, you are loving life a little more. Just this weekend, I had left you in the middle of the carpet to go fold laundry and you had rolled all the way to the floorboard. And while you still get really frustrated that you can't crawl, our previously stoic baby finds humor in the fact that you can now somewhat move.

We are heading to Indiana this weekend for a little Watts family fix, we are also going to the IU/Michigan football game in Bloomington. Hopefully, you'll be your typical angel (clouded?) self on the plane rides!
Oh yeah, GO BLUE!

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