Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Random, Unsolicited Bullet Points on Life.
Volume 4.
  • In passing, Nick brought up the idea of getting a haircut. And I wouldn't let it go. I begged. And begged. And because my life is so utterly exciting right now. I begged some more. And he finally let me shave it all off...but only if I took a shot. Say what? Yes, a shot of vodka. I agreed, but only if I could cut first. I cut, he looks dapper. I didn't take the shot. (why? because I'm 31 and not nearly as spry as I used to be AND these boobies are carrying liquid gold. I will not. I repeat. I will not pump & dump).
  • Because I'm now a sahm. I had time to do these Valentine's for Charlie's toddler class at school. Now, keep in mind, last year I was appalled that they celebrated Valentine's Day at a preschool, with (gasp) candy. This year, why the heck not? Here is my effort. Yes, I did every thing. Charlie did nothing.

  • We just scheduled a trip to Hawaii this summer. I'm super excited. Every time I plan something for our future life, I calculate Mack's age and think how much easier he'll be at that time.
  • All things considered, Mack's still pretty easy. BUT. We've had a sleep regression. Just last week, I was bragging how we were getting 7-8 hour stretches. It was a tease. Because he's been waking up every 4-5 hours the last few nights. I'm at a loss. Suggestions?
  • Charlie has been plagued with a minor case of "itchy butt," which I'm pretty sure would be solved if he just decided to use the potty... But, after putting an alcohol based cream on it last night (I was too lazy to get up and get the butt paste), he starting screaming, "IT'S SPICY! Mommy, IT'S SPICY!" I'm assuming that is toddler talk for "it burns."
  • We've had some nice weather the last few weeks, so we've had plenty of time to practice bike riding. I suggest a strider bike for all toddlers, its pretty amazing how fast they pick it up.


Anonymous said...

I love your random bullet points!

Erica said...

Thanks Erin!