Monday, March 25, 2013


Random, Unsolicited Bullet Points on Life. Volume 6.
  • If there was a world record for screaming at the top of your lungs in the middle of night, Mack would have it, but since there isn't...he just achieved a new a PR (that's a personal record for all your non-athlete types). And because I'm so mature, I vented my frustration to my three followers on twitter.
  • Speaking of sleep. Charlie is on a nap strike. Just last week, he was napping 3+ hours daily. Yesterday and today, it has taken him just that long to fall asleep. Can I just freaky friday with one of my kids and take advantage of all these sleep opportunities that I am allowing them?
  • My wonderful husband built these raised boxes for a garden. I can't stop thinking about the tomatoes we'll get to indulge in at the end of the summer. I think we'll do peppers, lettuce, squash, and carrots. And Nick wants to plant his beer hops too.... Any other suggestions? I'm hoping to not completely fail at this...our neighbor has a beautiful garden and I don't want him cackling over the dinner table at how pathetic ours looks.
  • Check out this form. You can't teach this stuff. But, can you imagine this in 18 years with a different type of beverage?
  • Our content baby boy, whose smiles come and go so fast, I can hardly capture them with a camera, can't get enough of the gibberish of his older brother. I love baby giggles!


Anonymous said...

I want those garden beds! Have Nick send plans! Mom

Jessica said...

Nice job, Nick! Can't wait to eat some homegrown veggies next time we come over! Erica- how long did Mack go for? Anna (my sis-in-law) said that the other day Jackson was up screaming for 2.5 hrs. I don't know if that makes you feel any better to know that you are not alone. Misery loves company right? =) Hang in there, pal.

Erica said...

That does actually make me feel better. He cried from 3:40-6:30am, before I finally waved my white flag a got him up for the day. It's rough, but short lived (hopefully).

Carl said...

Jenni came over yesterday and said we are having similar issues with child number 2. I have not done the full cry it out yet. I want to make sure she is gaining weight properly (taking her to doctor tomorrow). I go back to work April 1 and am tired of getting up twice a night. Something is waking her up and then she realizes she is swaddled and starts to get mad and cant get back to sleep! This is exhausting and hopefuly (like you said) short lived. they have to stop crying and sleep through the night at some point, right....

Unknown said...

You girls can do this! You are both great moms and when you get thru it you will look back and think it was no big deal. Keep it up and know that I'm thinking about you both. Love you guys!

Erica said...

Ugh, Linds...I'm so sorry. It's so frustrating. I dropped the swaddle for that very reason, he would wake up and just get mad. Hopefully, she is gaining weight and you can try cio...I can't even imagine trying to work with all this sleep interruption. If you figure out the magic answer, let me know.