Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Stitch Fix: Part 1

We had a morning.
Like, taking the cake for the worst meltdown in the history of Charlie meltdowns, type of morning.
What could be so horrible after 12 hours of blissful sleep?
LIFE apparently. no, no, no. not life, but LIFE, the cereal.
It appears to a two year old that the squares in LIFE cereal are not big enough.
Say what?
Yes, you heard me right, the squares aren't big enough, so my otherwise perfect toddler does not want to eat after three room timeouts, two throw his body on the kitchen floors and a partridge and a pear tree...we made it into the car with empty bellies and bloodshot eyes. Yay! Today is a school day, let them deal with it, right? Awesome parenting, Erica, awesome.

Anyway, the day hasn't been all that horrible. Becauuuuuse. I got my first Stitch Fix!
Say what?
Well, you all know that I love a good mommy blog...but I don't just read any mommy blog, I choose only the creative ones that use lots of snark/sarcasm. Because how else would I get through the ordeal mentioned above without reading about how my pretend internet friends/mommies do it?
SO Anyway...a friend of a friend of an internet friend did a post on Stitch Fix....and being in the current postpartum fashion rut that I am in, I just had to try it.

Yeah, yeah, so what is it?
It's a personal styling/shopping website. You tell them your size/style/budget and a stylist sends you five items (shirts, dresses, pants, accessories) they think you'll like. They send you style cards, showing you how to wear the garment and you try everything on with the benefit of the rest of your wardrobe. Anything you don't like, you send back in a prepaid envelope, anything you like, you keep and checkout on their website.
I paid $20 to get the fix. This they call a styling credit, but it also goes towards anything I decide to keep.
I originally went to their website, filled out my style profile and waited several weeks on their waiting list before getting to schedule my "fix." On my style profile, I made sure to mention that I have an athletic build and am four months postpartum. And Miranda, my personal stylist, did a wonderful job. I was so excited to open the box, but was also a little nervous to be let down or to have "my stylist" be way off base...having never met me or seen me. But, I loved almost everything immediately (much to my husbands chagrin)! Because these are boutique style clothes, everything can seem a little pricey, especially if you love a good 40% off sale at Gap. But they are unique pieces and well made, so I don't mind spending a little more, especially if it gets me out of my comfort zone a little bit. 

Oops. Nap time is over. To be continued...

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