Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Two Weeks in Indy: Part 1

What was supposed to be a quick trip to Indy and Columbus for Anne's wedding, turned into...why the hell shouldn't I stay a week or a few? I don't have a whole lot else going on these days.
Not to put down this whole family and friends thing we have going on out here but our routine gets a little monotonous and Indy has more family and more friends and Mimi's and lakes and pools, oh my!

We stayed with my Mom and Bill for our first week in town. We played in their hot tub...
went out on their boat...
and rode in the kayak.
It was pretty much a a three year old's dream life and he asks daily to go back to Mimi's or he says, "I don't like California." And then I have to remind him that he must be the only person EVER to prefer Indiana over California and he loses interest in the lecture and moves on to more important topics like "Where is Woody's cowboy hat?" I'm pretty sure Mack had a blast, too.

My Mom and Bill booted us out of their house so they could go on a bike tour of Gettysburg for the 150th Anniversary, which sounds like a pretty epic trip! We moved up to Jenni and Matt's house for what was supposed to be the remainder of the trip. The kids had a great time playing with each other, but Jenni and I got into a huge fight...awesome, right? So, unfortunately the cousins missed out on a lot of more togetherness. Wow. Debby Downer, much?
These are just a few pictures of pre-blowup happiness...
 ...and now I've run out of energy to finish this post. 
To Be Continued.


Jessica said...

the suspense is killing me...

Erica said...

I know, right? Drama.