Monday, September 2, 2013

Mack: 10 Months

I had predicted when Mack was in the womb, that he was going to be our little bruiser. And if he has proven anything this month, it's that he's not only a bruiser, but one heck of a trooper, too.

He's had a "rough patch" this month. If it's not one thing, its another, right? We all have 'em.
We came back from our Hawaiian vacation to a week a pre-op appointments in Roseville for Mack's orchidopexy surgery. It was a minor out-patient procedure for an undescended testicle. It was really no big deal. He was a total stud, and recovered like the champ he is... I can't even explain how little this surgery phased him. Like, NO.BIG.DEAL.
I proceeded to return to work, which I had assumed would traumatize him until the end of days and he was all, "Bye, Mom...have fun!"
He swallowed the neon green frog.
The Rim Fire swallowed our community and left us housebound.
The flu ravaged him. Poor kid. I didn't even realize he had the flu (I just thought his spit up had returned with vengeance or he was having side effects from the green frog incident) until the rest of us were ravaged.
...and on his last day of being nine months...a dog bit his face and landed us in the ER.
Woah. Sounds like a rough month. huh? Really, it was just another example of how cool this kid really is... Otherwise, not a lot of newness to report. He's living life, taking it one day at a time, and fitting into our imperfect family, perfectly.
We love you Macky...Happy 10 Months!
 10 Month Stats...
Weight: 19 pounds
Height: 30 Inches

1 comment:

Jessica said...

This kid is awesome! Excited to see you guys again next weekend! I'm getting spoiled with all of this Waelty time!