Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Nick turns 32!

Nick turned 32 a few weeks ago and I failed to mention it, well, because life was busy. And because birthday's aren't what they used to be... Am I right?
We woke Nick up too early and took pictures of him before he had his first sip of coffee. We went out to breakfast and made brownies and everyone was in bed before 9pm. Yay us!

In other news, Nick is all over the newspapers. Was it Miranda Lambert that said, everyone is "famous in a small town"?  Well, Nick is in the midst of his 15 minutes!

On Sunday, he made it in to the San Francisco Chronicle. He was out on a (water) sampling run for work and just happened to run into the journalist/photographer doing an article about the drought and Hetch Hetchy's reserves. He's even quoted!
Last weekend, we did a local 10K running race. It was a small town race, just local peeps getting their exercise on for the weekend. But Nick won it! While pushing the boys in the double BOB! It was so impressive that they did a whole article on him in our little paper. 
32 is going to be great year! We love you, Nick! 
Happy Birthday!


Jessica said...

Go, Nick, go!

annE said...

What a studmuffin! Happy belated bday Nick, glad to see you are getting some press :)